Have you lost friends during recent years?

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Re: Have you lost friends during recent years?

by weegs » Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:08 pm

Yeah. I came upon hard times and it's hard for me to trouble friends with my issues when I am facing serious issues. A lot of it is natural but I'm definitely wishing I was in a stable situation where I could engage in regular friendships more often. Like a thing where everyone has a house and you can go over and hang out, and I guess I've never really had that.

Have you lost friends during recent years?

by Guest » Thu Jun 29, 2023 3:32 pm

By the beginning of this year I lost four friends, all of whom I'd known for five years. Some of that happened gradually, in other cases suddenly. There's one friendship that ended over disagreement about Covid measures. I don't need to agree with all my friends, but in this case, the mutual respect got lost and that made it untenable. The others aren't even telling me why they don't want to stay in touch. Two of them did make it clear they're breaking off contact, and the last one simply ghosted me. Furthermore, I'm growing apart from my board game friends. I no longer feel that strong a connection with them, and I'm not really that big on board games anymore.

Not that this devastates me. There are friends that remain, and I keep on making new friends, it doesn't cost me a lot of effort.

What about you?
